CS294-134 — Beyond Worst-Case Analysis — Fall 2017
[general info]
[lecture notes] [exams and projects]
What's new
general information
Instructor: Luca
Trevisan, 625 Soda Hall, email luca at berkeley dot edu
Classes are TuTh, 3:30-5pm, in 310 Soda
Office hours: Wednesdays 2-3pm, 625 Soda Hall (Starting August 30)
Piazza: piazza.com/berkeley/fall2017/cs294134
About the course
Worst-case analysis sometimes overestimates the difficulty of certain problems in practice.
In this course we will review more refined methods for the analysis of algorithms, including average-case analysis for random instances, analysis of distributions with a "planted" solution, semi-random models which combine random and adversarial choices, and machine learning problems in which the input is a collection of iid samples from an arbitrary unknown distribution.
We will conclude with a brief overview of the theory of average-case complexity, and the evidence that we have that certain problems remain hard even when analyzed with respect to natural classes of distributions.
Here is a tentative list of topics that we will cover:
- Properties of random graphs
- Cliques in random graphs
- Independent sets in random graphs
- Planted bisection and the stochastic block model
- Recovering a planted sparse vector in a random subspace
- Matrix completion
- Finding cuts in semi-random graph models
- Stable cuts and stable clustering
- Compressed sensing, LP decoding, and sparse FFT
- Smoothed analysis of the simplex
- Randomized hashing of worst-case data vs deterministic hashing of random data
- An introduction to average-case complexity
Prerequisites: CS170 or equivalent, a good understanding of discrete probability.
Assignments: scribing one lecture, a take-home midterm exam, a final project.
The main reference will be a set of lecture notes. Our course will have a large overlap with this course, for which videos and lecture notes are available.
- 8/24. Introduction, clique in random graphs.
- 8/29. Max Cut in random graphs, Independent set in sparse random graphs.
[summary] [notes]
- 8/31. Independent set and Max Cut in sparse random graphs.
[summary] [notes]
- 9/5. Semidefinite programming and the SDP relaxation of Max Cut.
[summary] [notes]
- 9/7. Optimal bounds for Max Cut in random graphs using the SDP relaxation.
[summary] [notes]
- 9/12. Understanding the spectrum of the adjacency matrix of a random graph.
[see section 5 and 6 in these notes]
- 9/14. Finding planted cliques in random graphs. Introduction to random k-SAT.
[See this paper for the planted clique algorithms]
- 9/19. More about certifying the unsatisfiability of random k-SAT.
[this is the paper introducing the reduction from certifying unsatisfiability of random k-SAT to certifying upper bounds
to independent set in random graphs]
[this is the Feige-Ofek paper on spectral properties of random graphs with constant average degree]
[notes (updated 9/27)]
- 9/21. Introducing the stochastic block model.
- 9/26. Matrix norms other than the spectral norm, and Grothendieck's inequality.
- 9/28. Approximate reconstruction in the stochastic block model
See also this paper
- 10/3. Exact reconstruction in the stochastic block model
See this paper and these notes
- 10/5. Exact reconstruction in the stochastic block model, continued
[notes in preparation]
- 10/10. Exact reconstruction in the stochastic block model, conclusion. Semi-random models for cut problems
- 10/12. Notions of "stability" for cut and clustering problem. Certifying that a random linear subspace has no sparse vector.
The first part of the lecture referenced:
The second part of the lecture was about Section 2.1 of this paper by Demanet and Hand
- 10/17. Finding a planted sparse vector in a random subspace using linear programming.
- 10/19. Guest lecture on tensor decomposition by Tengyu Ma (Facebook).
See also this paper
[notes in preparation]
- 10/24. Certifying that a random subspace has no sparse vector
This lecture and the next cover a weaker version of a result in Section 7 of this paper
- 10/26. Certifying that a random subspace has no sparse vector, continued
[notes in preparation]
- 10/31. An overview of tensor decomposition using semidefinite programming
See this paper
[notes in preparation]
- 11/2. Matrix completion using nuclear norm
See this paper
[notes in preparation]
- 11/7. Guest lecture by Tengyu Ma on matrix completion using non-convex optimization
See this paper
[notes in preparation]
- 11/9. An introduction to average-case complexity
[notes in preparation]
- 11/14. Daniel Dadush on smoothed analysis of the simplex
See this paper
Plan for remaining lectures (subject to change)
- 10/31. Tensor decomposition using semidefinite programming
- 11/2. Matrix completion using nuclear norm
- 11/7. Matrix completion using gradient descent, guest lecture by Tengyu Ma
- 11/9. An introduction to average-case complexity
- 11/14, 11/16 Guest lectures on smoothed analysis by Daniel Dadush (CWI)
- 11/21. More on average-case complexity
- 11/28, 11/30, dead week. Presentations
Exams and Projects